Simplify your daily life so you can focus on what matters most - that's our mission. Discover the benefits of the PayByPhone app in the following situations we often face.

When you're running late... ⏰
You're running late, stress levels are rising, and it seems like everything is working against you - traffic, roadworks, and seemingly endless red lights. Finally, with just enough time you spot a parking space, right in front of where your meeting is, brilliant! You breathe a sigh of relief until you step out of your vehicle and realise that the nearest parking meter is at the other end of the road.
Wait, no need to sprint to the meter, just open the PayByPhone app and pay for your parking remotely in less than 20 seconds! Relax and forget about your parking worries - you'll receive a reminder before your parking time expires.

When it's pouring with rain... 🌧️
You're on your way to your favourite restaurant, excited, hair done and best outfit on, but the sky above you has the hugest rain cloud looming. It's fine because you're comfortably behind the wheel of your car driving. However, the joy won't last. Just as you start to park, a downpour begins, and the idea of arriving soaked is not very appealing! Despite finding a parking spot just steps from the entrance, there's no parking meter in sight nearby.
Stay dry, turn off the engine, and pull out your smartphone. No need to embark on an adventure to find the meter - pay for your parking with a few clicks using the PayByPhone app. You can stay dry throughout the evening and extend your parking time from your phone without leaving your table.

When your meeting runs longer than expected... 😰
You're in a meeting that's dragging on far beyond the scheduled time, and you're gradually losing track of the discussion. Concentration is slipping away. Your mind starts to wander, and you gaze out the window when something catches your eye on the street. Two officers are inspecting vehicles and slowly making their way up the road to where you're parked. After glancing at your watch, panic sets in - you hadn't planned on still being at the office, and your parking has expired for a few minutes already! You contemplate coming up with an excuse to leave the meeting, hoping, perhaps, to reach the parking meter before the officers issue you with a fine.
No need to worry! With the PayByPhone app, you can extend your parking time with a few simple clicks, anytime and anywhere. With our extend your parking reminders, you will never find yourself in this situation again.